About Know Thyself

We are passionate about providing the unique individualized YOU, the UNDERSTANDING of the Essence of a Human Being.

The main satisfaction that we give to you, is JOY in your heart!

  • Deeper Understanding
  • Full Understanding
  • Superficial Understanding

It is completely up to the individual how deep you wish to go.

The reality of life is complicated, let's make it simple together!

Our mission is to improve your social interaction with others in a simple, decent, elegant, and assertive way.



Ion & Leann


Ion Chitu


Leann Reagin

Honest Help

Everyone needs HONEST help...

For real, you work hard for your money and pay for getting just a little peace of mind. In the process, you completely forget to enjoy your life.

UNDERSTANDING the essence of your being on this earth is to budget your time and energy. You DESERVE the fruit of pleasure in this reality. Experiencing this amazing life in its oneness is what we are here for!

Know Thyself Logo (5)

Looking for TRUTH?

Contact us with any questions you may have. Hourly consultations are available. Book online today!