Psychological Handwriting Analysis Online
The psychological analysis of handwriting is extremely beneficial for pastors, therapists, and counselors of individuals dealing with anxiety, panic attacks, depression, anger, guilt, blame, and much more.
These individuals cannot hide their true personalities within their handwriting. If you are struggling with a client that needs a deeper dive, or maybe you just want to start your clients off on the right foot. Understand them at their deepest level so you can truly help them gain their life back.
Hope lives in the center of the Mind, it is the nucleus. Within the Mind live the 8 prime components, "the needs" that we all have:
- Need of Certainty
- Need of Uncertainty
- Need of Contribution
- Need of Growth
- Need of Adoration
- Need of Significance
- Need of Curiosity
- Need of Courage
All of these needs must be balanced within the Mind. In the diagram to the left, you can see the needs and how they match up and balance each other. The upper half benefits your overall well-being and the bottom half benefits your overall confidence. The confidence portion must be balanced with the well-being portion for your self-esteem to not suffer.
Our Mission Is To Provide Honest Help Within Fairness & Consideration
The Ego, the "I"-ness of each individual ONLY lives within the Significance portion of the Mind. The Ego has been inflated with titles, and credentials, and has leaked into the workforce. The Ego, also known as the Psyche, or the "Ideal self" creates logic and even our material reality. The Ego's rationale, logic, or common sense, is the only tool we have to temper our emotions, control our desires, and resist temptations so our need of Hope can plan for our destiny.
We Can Only Control 100% Of Ourselves And 0% Of Our Environment
Ion has 20+ years of experience in the psychological analysis of handwriting. He has helped many unique individuals identify patterns in their behavior, personality traits, and habits that stem back to the transfer of energy between their emotions. Understanding ourselves at the core of our beings is crucial to correcting mental issues, emotional issues and so much more. Once we understand how individuals are using their emotions, or not using them in a constructive way, we can help guide them back to themselves. Finding the need of Courage that lives in the Mind, to pull themselves out of anxiety and transfer that energy into passion.
Handwriting analysis is one of the easiest ways to get to the heart of the issue. From a holistic point of view, Ion has always understood that the analysis of handwriting has a spiritual connection.
Ion is highly principled and therefore assertive. He honestly wants to help others know themselves at the deepest level as this is an individual inside job.

Did You Know?
- Handwriting forms grooves in the brain that affect your personality (RAS - reticular activating system)
- You can control these grooves with your ambition and perseverance
- You can help others by helping yourself FIRST!
- It's only FAIR to get to the root cause of misunderstood relationships rather than jumping from dating site to dating site.
What To Expect
- Personalized analysis report of your submitted handwriting request specific to your personality, identity, and emotions.
- Additional one-on-one support is available by request for a deeper understanding of oneself.
- Honest help to enhance YOUR amazing life with your Free Will permission.

The reticular activating system (RAS) is a network of neurons located in the brain stem that project anteriorly to the hypothalamus to mediate behavior, as well as both posteriorly to the thalamus and directly to the cortex for activation of awake, desynchronized cortical EEG patterns.
Handwriting Analysis Examples

Your handwriting reveals confidence, ambition, the ability to plan ahead, high goals, high personal expectations, and an overall good self-image.

You are subject to emotional stimulus. You naturally relate to people's emotions with Compassion (Empathy) and have a constant need for affection. You can be very expressive with your emotions and relate to others easily.
You demand respect and expect others to treat you with dignity.
You are highly sensitive and feel everything with your skin.
You will put off until tomorrow what could be done today. It is a sign of laziness or being overwhelmed.

"Energy Cannot Be Created Nor Destroyed, It Can Only Be Transformed"
- 1st Law of Thermodynamics
The Secret Formula To A Joyful Life
Act to the best of your ability in your HIGHEST JOY in whatever form it comes in every moment that you can out of all the options available to you. Take it as far as you can take it until you can take it no further, and continue to do that every chance you get with absolutely ZERO ZERO ZERO insistence, assumptions, or expectations as to what we DESIRE the outcome to be.
There are trillions of options, but only ONE opportunity.
Take it!
Submit Your Handwriting Analysis Today - Only $25
Have clients write on a blank white standard piece of paper:
"Handwriting actually could be called brainwriting. When you first started learning how to write, it was the conscious learning process; but after a short time, your subconscious mind began to learn words."
Be sure they sign their name. Take a picture of your handwritten paragraph, upload it in the form below, and send it to us for a full handwriting analysis!